Welcome All Book Lovers

Welcome All Book Lovers

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


1) First and foremost I'm very thankful I have a family that supports me. We are not real close by any means and we snap at each other all of the time. I really wish those things would change, but at the end of the day we are always there for each other. Through thick and thin, through medical problems, through whatever is thrown at us. Thank you mom and dad. 

2) I'm extremely thankful for my dog Lucy. She is my best friend in the whole world. Her sweet little face and unconditional love helps with my suicidal tendencies and gives me a smile even when I'm crying. And I love so much when she looks me in the eye with nothing but love. I love our times spent on HER couch all tangled up together with her long legs piled on me. She is a greyhound of course =)

3) I'm thankful that I still have one real life friend in the world that I talk to every day and we watch shows over the phone on speaker. I'm thankful for the couple of real life friends that text from time to time or send an uplifting card. 

4) I'm thankful for the true friends I have met on Goodreads that have supported me for a very long time now. Some of those that we have exchanged phone numbers and actually keep in touch. Thankful for the fact that those that are close and that have stayed with me are very kind to me in whatever way they can be. Thankful to those that have emailed messages with me on there and talk about our worries, our fun times, our mental and medical issues and that we don't judge. Love you guys. 

5) I'm thankful that even though I don't really go outside any more due to my agoraphobia I can still see the wildlife through the windows and doorways. I can still capture some amazing pictures even though I'm inside. Who says a photographer has to give up! 

6) I'm thankful that I'm one of the lovers of nature and I can help animals and wildlife right from my home. 

7) I'm thankful that I can see the beauty in little things. Things people would thing is stupid or take for granted. I'm thankful that those things give me wonderful feelings because I don't have many wonderful feelings any more. 

8) I'm grateful I can listen to a song and it can transport me to somewhere wonderful or somewhere sad because both of those feelings are amazing in the right context. And the same goes for reading books.

9) I'm grateful I had a wonderful childhood with my grandparents. I miss those days so much. I wish we were all young again and I could start it all over and do it all right. I'm grateful I still have one grandmother even though she's not in the best of health. 

10) I grateful that I can have empathy with others and a good heart. I'm not grateful for my anger issues and other things along those lines. But hopefully these things can change. 

11) I'm grateful for really cold days because I can go outside and not panic and maybe even take a small hike with my dad and dog. I'm grateful for those cold sunny days and the cold crisp smell in the air, which I don't get enough of a smell of since I wear a mask. 

12) I'm thankful right now for being able to look out he window as I write and see the wind slowly blow through the leaves that are left on the trees. It's a surreal and calming feeling. 

13) I'm grateful for all of the truly nice people in the world. The people that do things that matter, that help with wildlife and people in need. The people that are out there trying to take care of our planet before it's gone. The people that are so kind in a world that is not always kind. 

There are many more things I could add but I'm going to stop on my lucky number. Peace be with you and I hope you have a very wonderful Thanksgiving. And for those that have no one, I hope you find someone or something nice for yourself on that day. 

Mel ♥


  1. Beautiful Mel❤️ I’m thankful for your friendship and please know that even though we don’t talk all the time, that I love you and that you’re a very special friend that I’ll always treasure in my heart. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much dear, Donna. I miss our times talking and hopefully the New Year will be better for us. I love you too my friend. xoxo ♥ Mel

  2. Beautiful list, Melissa. I need to have more gratitude for the good things in my life. I've fallen into a funk and need to snap out of it.

  3. Thank you dear one =) I hope you can get out of it soon. I say in one a lot because of my clinical depression so I feel you. I hope you can have a wonderful holiday ♥
