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Welcome All Book Lovers

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Every ExQuisite Thing by Matthew Quick

Didn’t you ever just simply want to…stop?

Star athlete and straight-A student Nanette O’Hare has played the role of dutiful daughter for as long as she can remember. But one day, a beloved teacher gives her his worn copy of The Bubblegum Reaper—a mysterious, out-of-print cult classic—and the rebel within Nanette awakens.

As the new and outspoken Nanette attempts to insert her true self into the world with wild abandon, she befriends the reclusive author and falls in love with a young, troubled poet. Forced to make some hard choices that bring devastating consequences, Nanette learns the hard way that rebellion can sometimes come at a high price.@goodreads



I figured this book would make me cry and it surely did, thank you book.

I loved so many characters in the book, Nanette, Oliver, Alex, Booker (even though he had his moments), Nanette's parents, Officer Damon. The book is sad and good and just everything.

Nanette is a hotshot soccer player at her high school. One day her teacher gives her a book to read, "The Bubblegum Reaper." After reading the book, Nanette is not satisfied with the ending. Why did it end like that? She talks about his with her teacher and he tells her he can get her in touch with the author that lives right down the road. Are you kidding me?

Nigel Wrigley Booker decides to meet with Nanette but he never really tells her the answers she wants about his book. He also makes her promise to never talk about the book again and they could be friends. This seems very strange and it's still strange to me in a way, but he has his reasons. Booker took the book off the market years ago and only talks to a select group of people that have read it.

Booker wants Nanette to meet Alex who is her same age and writes poetry. He also read The Bubblegum Reaper. Booker thinks Nanette and Alex will hit it off and they do.

After reading the book and becoming friends with Booker and Alex, Nanette decides to quit the soccer team. This shocks her coach, teammates, her family. . . it was her ticket to college. Nanette doesn't care because she's tired of doing what everyone else wants her to do, she wants to find out what she wants in life. I mean don't we all?

•"I don't know. I'm just eighteen, and I know I'm supposed to be going gaga for my last year of high school and applying to colleges and making plans for the rest of my life-but I really don't want to do anything except hang out with Alex and you."
"Well, then be glad we both want to hang out with you, too. What a lucky thing-to have exactly what you want."•

Alex writes beautiful poetry through-out the book. I loved reading all of the things the author had Alex write. I would like to have that book of poetry if it existed. Alex is a unique character, he wants to take care of everyone, but he does have some of his own issues. 

•"Mom sends me a Christmas card every year with a hundred-dollar bill in it. But my dad has enough bucks to make that seem sort of sad and irrelevant. I don't spend those hundred-dollar bills. I give them to the first person I come across who looks depressed. Always a total stranger. I fold the bill up so that I can palm it, then I reach out and shake a miserable person's hand, transferring the money-but never, ever talk to the person."•

Oliver is a sweet little boy in middle school. Alex befriends him because he sees him being picked on by bullies. Alex goes after these bullies as much as he can, but they still seem to get Oliver from time to time. I hate them!

•"It's like our middle school is a prison and I might get shanked at any second." Oliver said, maybe going for humor, but we didn't laugh.•

Something goes down and Alex gets sent to reform school. He gone for quite some time and only gets to come back and talk to Nanette one time, he gives her a bag full of poetry. It's beautiful and sad poetry. At least to me. This is all hard on Nanette as she has been in therapy for awhile after she told her parents everything that had been going on in her life. Even though she had to make some hard decisions to be honest, this makes the family closer and I loved that and of course I cried.

Some people in the book have their happy ending and some just don't and it's really very tragic and sad. But, that is life.

•Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.• 





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