More people freaking die, but of course that's to be expected right? I didn't cry though! Yay, me!

And of course I loved the book! ♥

This book starts up where the first book leaves off. Corban and the crew are on the run after the fall of Dun Carreg (where they lived). They sail across the water getting into more troubles, meeting up with new people, more deaths, etc. and so forth.
I loved when the Jehar Warriors came! I was so looking forward to reading about them. I hope to read more in the next book, but PLEASE don't kill anyone I like in that group!
Corban's sister Cywen is still stuck in Dun Carreg with the evil people because they thought she was dead, but she was not. That's not a spoiler, if you read the first book you will figure she is not dead either.
Cywen gets to learn about the evil people that are there, that killed her friends and part of her family. But, she just may have a few on her side. She also has her fathers dog, Buddai on her side and Corban's horse, Shield. I just wish she would have tried to sneak away at night. Like I said before, it all turns out for the good though. And Veradis is there, I'm hoping he will see more reason and something will happen with him and Cywen. I love him, for now at least!
The book is really good if you love epic fantasy books. There is still the God-War going on and I don't see it ending any time soon with all of the prophecies.
I'm afraid to pick up the next book and I'm going to wait a little bit because I'm afraid who or what will die next. NOOOOOO!
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