Ronan Lynch has secrets. Some he keeps from others. Some he keeps from himself.
One secret: Ronan can bring things out of his dreams.
And sometimes he's not the only one who wants those things.
Ronan is one of the raven boys—a group of friends, practically brothers, searching for a dead king named Glendower, who they think is hidden somewhere in the hills by their elite private school, Aglionby Academy. The path to Glendower has long lived as an undercurrent beneath town. But now, like Ronan's secrets, it is beginning to rise to the surface—changing everything in its wake. @goodreads

Even though all of the boys are in the book, this one tells more of Ronan's story and I love him ♥

I still love Blue, I think she is a great character. I love her family, all of the banter between them, the sweetness between Blue and her mom - just everything! I feel bad that Blue has to go through all of these emotions with Adam and Gansey. Blue knows that she loves Gansey and that finally comes to light but in a very sad way :-( She knows she can't kiss him because she will kill him, that is her curse. But..OMG.. sweet Noah let her kiss him because he can't be killed. It was a bittersweet moment because she felt like that was the only kiss she would ever be able to give to anyone. Blue is a raven girl in my mind.

Ronan and his sweet little raven, Chainsaw... I love them both. Ronan makes out to be this really tough guy and he is in many ways, but he is human. He has a human side that does so many wonderful things for people. Brings a damn tear to my eye. He is also a Greywaren, he can bring things out of dreams. Unfortunately, he brings some nasty things out of his dreams by accident and almost gets him and a few others killed. He's not the only one, but I'm not saying who all have this ability. I thought I fell down the rabbit hole again until I finally caught on :-)

Adam is going through some tough stuff. He's not doing too well since he sacrificed himself for the leyline. It all works out in the end, thank goodness, when he gets some help from one of Blue's many family members. Adam had a sad life, growing up with a horrible father that beat him, having to working three jobs just to have the money to live on his own and go to the school with the other boys. He wouldn't take any charity from his friends and it made them sad and angry at times. But, they did find ways to help him without his knowledge... well he found out some things. But that's what friends do damn it! The reason I'm making this point is that he never asked for help until he went to Blue's home and that probably saved his life and we find out something he is now :-)
There is also a dude that calls himself "Grey Man" He is a hitman and he gets a little something going with Blue's mom. He is there to do harm to someone in the group but then he just can't. There is something really bad he did in the past and I thought it was so sad for the person when they find out.
Beyond all of the sad things that happen, there are many more good things. And the end, the epilogue, I was like what?
I wonder how many more people are going to turn out to be other things......