Collecting: Spider-Woman 1-5 @goodreads
I freaking loved this graphic novel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off, I thought the graphics in this book were amazing! And now I need the next one!

Soooo, Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) is preggers! And it's so awesome, so freaking awesome! Okay, I need to quit saying that but I had so much fun with this book. I laughed and I loved the bad arse pregnant super hero. Now, on with the show!
Carol (Captain Marvel) has been trying get get Jess to go to the Intergalactic Hospital on her dollar so Jess can get checked out nice and proper. Well of course on the day Jess decides to go for a visit, the hospital gets attacked by Skrulls. They are there to get someone. And Jess wants to take them out but she's trying to hold off because of the whole pregnant thing.

Well that didn't work out. She just pretends she's going into labor and then kicks butt! Wahoo!

Jess is on the phone on and off with Carol but Carol can't get in because the Skrulls have blocked the passage so to speak and there are more coming. Yay! Not
So basically Jess gets the kid prince those Skrulls are after, ends up having to have a c-section, has baby, gets fixed up quick, kicks those evil butts and then wakes up a little later in the hospital bed all rested with a bouncing baby boy =) The end! Lol, there is a lot more to it than that but that's the basic what's it.

I think I already mentioned how awesome this book was and that I want more! Spider-Woman is bad to the bone!

Also, I need to see if they have a Funko Pop of her to go with my MASSIVE collection of F Pops of all kinds of people and things. :-D
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