Welcome All Book Lovers

Welcome All Book Lovers

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

FaeCrate Capturing The Devil Book Hangover Recovery Kit

Here it is my friends, the Capturing The Devil Book Box! I hope you enjoy the lovely things. 

First up we have the Thomas Cresswell Plushie, he's a cutie! 

We have a Dracul Family Crest Collectors Coin

Next is a Constellation Orchid Pin 

We have Audrey Rosehips Tea 

We have these Dragon Cane Hair Sticks. I just took a picture of the top so you can kinda see the design 

Here is a "Stand Out" wall hanging.

Next is an awesome fleece throw blanket. I took this one out on the deck as usual 

Here is a character card set. They are gorgeous

Daciana's Gift Bath Salts

"If Lost" Socks

This awesome double-sided book sleeve

This think had me stumped until Iooked on the card! I thought it was some kind of deranged bathing soot!Lol! It's actually Audrey's Steamer Luggage Cover which is pretty cool! 

And here are the things that came with the book if you ordered the book box. I didn't add the alternate cover print, I just added the 4 dustjackets because I am stupid and thought it was the same as the regular cover! Lol 

The book obviously

The 4 dustjackets! OMG! I'm getting the first one I'm showing framed like I did with the Nevernight dustjackets. 

Then we got this BEUTIFUL freaking art print! OMG! I want to get this framed but it has a cool skull on the back side. I'm going to put it on one of those strings with clips so I can at least have it out. I will show both sides. 

And finally we got a deleted scene an author letter. Oh and I added the spoiler card cause it's pretty =) 

Thanks all peeps! I hope y'all enjoyed =) 

Mel ♥


  1. Wow! That's amazing! I love the artwork on them all and the socks 😍

  2. Sweet! I tried to comment on GR but couldn't since we aren't friends. But WoW! This was an incredible crate! I've never ordered one before but it would be totally worth it ��

    1. Yes! These hangover crates are awesome! They send a lot of stuff. They are a lot more expensive then the regular boxes though

  3. I am so sad I did not know there was a box forever ago.

  4. Dang, I sooo would have bought this had I known it was a thing 😢
