Without the promise of a respectable future after graduation, all Emma wants is to cherish her senior year by playing basketball with the guys and spending as much time as possible with her best friend before he heads off to some fancy university, leaving her behind. But when the high school basketball coach recruits her to join the team—the girls’ team—Emma discovers life is anything but a slam dunk. How is she supposed to know how to be one of the girls when all she’s ever been is one of the guys? @goodreads
I'm going to be honest, I read this book because it worked with a goodreads group challenge and it's on kindle unlimited. BUT . . . I had no idea how much I was going to love it! I put it off forever because I thought I wouldn't like it. Stupid, it seems to be the ones you put off that you really enjoy.

Emma is a kick butt basket ball player. She plays with the boys at the court on the weekends. She's been playing with these guys for years. But she learned her mad skills from her best friend, Riley and his father when she was just a little girl.

First off, Emma has a••holes for family members. Their mom left them and it's only Emma and a bunch of brothers and a father. None of them act like she exists and some act like they hate her, even her father.
Dad hates you . . . You'll never amount to anything . . . You're worthless.
Emma has been teased at school all of her life. She has been called a loser, poverty girl, on and on and on. These bullies were horrible. But those words coming out of her families mouth. . . how much more does this girl have to take?
I loved Riley and his family. They were always so kind to Emma, they loved her. Riley and Emma were best friends since like fourth grade. It gets hard for Emma when Riley admits he wants her in his life as more than a best friend. They do find love but this book isn't about all of that. It's a beautiful thing and I loved how slowly this emerged. I love how Emma fought all of the battles she had to fight.
The coach of the girls basketball team shows up to one of the games Emma played with the boys asking her to join the team. It took a lot of persuasion from Riley and even from his dad to push Emma to join the team. It's was a rough start. The one girl that I despised until she got her cr•p straight was Lauren, she was always saying bad things about Emma's mom and Emma being poor. It took all Emma had not to beat her down. I would have just taken her out, but I digress. Emma so didn't want to play with girls but it all worked out.
Emma ended up training this team to be awesome and go all the way! I was so proud of her. She was tough, I mean she was raised with boys and hung out with boys. But, she did show some vulnerable sides and that was nice.
The ending was amazing, I will leave it with the expert.
Poverty child. Loser. Poor girl. Tomboy. As far back as she could remember labels had defined who she was and what her future would hold. Maybe now she was entitled to add a few of her own labels to the list: Basketball player. Coach. Friend. Girlfriend. And maybe, just maybe, college-bound.
D•mn, I cried!
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