Ashton thought he wanted vengeance, until Willow reminded him what he’d been missing. Now he longs to clear his name and become the person she sees in him. But the closer they get to uncovering the truth, the darker the secrets become, and Ashton fears his return to Gilt Hollow will destroy everyone he loves, especially the girl he left behind. @goodreads
I enjoyed this book and I had a crush on Ashton! I couldn't help myself =)

Ashton was sent to jail for a few years for a murder he DIDN'T commit. His best friend Willow had been sending him letters that he never returned so she tried to forget him.
Then one day Ashton is back in his hometown and everyone is not happy. Willow is a nervous wreck until later on in the book they find out her letters were kept from Ash.
Ash wants to find out who really killed his friend all of those years ago and Willow decides to help him. I had my eye on a couple of people being the culprits but there was a little twist so there's more than meets the eye.
But, Ash and Willow aren't safe. The killer is sending them messages and trying to kill a few people.
Either way I really enjoyed this book and I loved Ash and Willow. I loved Willow's best friend Lisa too! This was a good little young adult mystery and like I said before I have a crush on Ash. lol
* I received a gift, print copy of this book through the booklookbloggers program.*
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