Years before they made headlines with the Ghostbusters, Erin Gilbert and Abby L. Yates published the groundbreaking study of the paranormal, Ghosts from Our Past. Once lost to history, this criminally underappreciated book is now back in print, revised and somewhat updated for the new century.
According to Gilbert and Yates, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” and whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, you’ll find the information you’re seeking right here in this extraordinary book, including:
· The childhood experiences that inspired Erin and Abby’s lifelong passion for the scientific study of the paranormal;
· The history of ghosts and other supernatural entities, the science that explains their existence, and profiles of the groundbreaking paranormal researchers who have investigated them;
· An illustrated guide to Class I through Class VII ghosts;
· Helpful sidebars like “A Ghost by Any Other Name” and “Ectoplasm Cleanup Tips”;
· Updates including “The Ghostbusters’ Arsenal” by Jillian Holtzmann and “Haunted History” by Patty Tolan;
· A new Ghostbusting Resources appendix, featuring the “Paranormal Quickstart Guide”, “Is It a Ghost? A Handy Quiz”, “A Supernatural Stakeout Journal”, “The Devil’s Dictionary: Paraterminology You Need to Know”; and more.
With this helpful—and hilarious—official Ghostbusters guide in hand, you’ll be prepared for almost any spirit, spook, or spectre that comes your way. As for the rest, you know who to call. @goodreads
I haven't seen thew new Ghostbusters movie yet because I don't leave the house, but I think the authors of the book are probably played to a T. Just because I watch so many Melissa McCarthy movies and I know how funny she is would sum up one of the two authors of this book.

These women have a great sense of humor and they are so smart. But I have to say some of my favorite parts of the book was in the beginning when they were younger and it led up to how they met. They are two peas in a pod, all about ghosts and science and they are hilarious! I can't say that enough!
When Abby was telling one part of her story when she was younger, it was just great. Her parents were going to move and she was begging them to stay behind to finish out her school year with her freinds. She would live with her aunt and uncle but that's not what happened.
They reminded me that I didn't have any friends at my old school.
So I lost that fight and packed my boxes. My uncle gave me some tips on adjusting to a new environment. Specifically, to avoid being bullied by other girls, I should walk up to the baddest-looking girl on the first day and casually slip a shank into her side. Perhaps it's a good thing I didn't stay behind with them

I want to know . . . the hell is this ↓

I have been watching Ghost Hunting shows for years so I recognized every instrument they were talking about using in cases. But, there is another part that was rather funny. Lets see if you can guess what it is:
Paratechnology Tool Kit: The Basics
• Audio Recorder
• Batteries
• Camera
• Carbon Monoxide Detector
• Compass
• EMF Meter
• First Aid Kit
• Flashlight
• Ghost Trap
• Infrasound Monitoring Equiptment
• Ion Detector
• Motion Detector
• Night-vision Goggles (I really want some of these)
• Notebook
• PKE Meter
• Proton Pack
• Toilet Paper
• Walkie-Talkies
• Watch
The book actually has information on all of these things but the one that I found funny was the toilet paper.
Not Technically paratechnology, but it's better to be safe than sorry. And while we're at it, don't forget to pack an extra pair of underwear.
There are actually several lists of different things in the book. There are pictures and diagrams throughout the whole book.

I found the story about the Fox Sisters very interesting.

These sisters starting talking talk a spirit that was haunting their house in 1848. His nickname was Mr. Splintfoot and they would talk to him by asking questions and he would tap out a reply. No one could ever explain where the sound was coming from. So, you have all kinds of neat stuff like that in the book.
I rather enjoyed myself in this little walk through the paranormal world that I love so much. Just keep out those equations!
*I would like to thank Blogging for Books for a print copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.*
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