Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters—sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she’s kind of falling for this letter writer. Only, who is he? As Lily attempts to unravel the mystery and juggle school, friends, crushes, and her crazy family, she discovers that matters of the heart can’t always be spelled out… @goodreads
My August OwlCrate Box!

I fell right in love with this book. It was so sweet and sometimes it's nice to read something sweet.

Lily writes in her notebook at all times. She writes lyrics for songs and other random things. But she wants to write a song and play it on her guitar. And she's really stoked when she sees a competition for a music competition in the newspaper.
Songwriting Competition. Earn five thousand dollars and a three-week intensive with a top professor at Herberger Institute for Music. Visit our website for more details!

Lily has a best friend named Isabel and they are great together. I like their friendship even though Isabel is always trying to set Lily up with someone. Lily has a little boy crush on a hottie named Lucas and she also has an arch nemesis named Cade who used to date Isabel. That relationship didn't last long because he was a jerk.
Every day Lily writes possible song lyrics in her special notebook during chemistry. After her teacher busts her she can't write in her notebook any more. Oh, the agony of trying to pay attention in chemistry. One day she writes some lyrics to her favorite band on the desk. The next day someone wrote back and then they are off writing notes and hiding them under the desk. It's really sweet because for the first time both of them can open up to another person and talk about their lives, which in some cases, are not that great. And they seem to have this great chemistry <-- No pun intended.
Lily has a crazy home life. She has an older sister who is in college but lives at home and shares a room with Lily. She has two younger brothers, crazy parents, and a rabbit that has made his way into their home. They never have enough money but they all love each other dearly.
I love how the relationship slowly becomes more between Lily and her secret penpal. There is no insta anything (which doesn't bother me) but two people becoming friends and then finding things about each other that goes much deeper. To share the heartaches and dreams with someone unknown.
And then . . .
they find out who the other is and it's pretty obvious through-out the book but that doesn't matter to me. It was still pretty sweet.

The story does have a happy ending but I really wish we could have seen Lily at the competition, I know the song she wrote was a winner! And now she has love to go along with it. ♥

Thank you book for all of the feel good feelings. Well, accept when people were being jerks =)
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